Tuesday, June 13, 2006

The Wedding singer

Snilldar mynd, mæli með að allir sem hafa ekki séð hana skreppi út á leigu eða mininova og reddi sér henni.

Hérna er smá lagabútur úr myndinni.
Somebody Kill me
You don't know how much I need you.
While you're around I don't feel blue.
And when we kiss I know that you need me too.
I can't believe I found a love that's so pure and true.

But it all was bullshit.
It was a goddam joke.
And when I think of you Linda,
I hope you fucking choke.

I hope you're glad with what you've done to me.
I lay in bed all day long feeling melancholy.
You left me here all alone, tears running constantly.

Oh somebody kill me please,
somebody kill me plee-ase,
I'm on my knees,
pretty pretty please,
kill me.
I want to die.
Put a bullet in my head.


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