Monday, March 27, 2006

Annað LOTR próf...

You are most like Boromir. People call you brash and impatient, but you're the sort of person who can't just sit around like a lazy blob. You believe in action and hard work. Many people look up to you, so use the opportunity to be a leader and make a difference. Don't think of yourself so lowly, but don't be so hard on others either!
What LoTR Character Are You?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Niðurstaða Zoidbergs er að hann er "Merry". Andskotans...

Zoidberg hélt að Merry væri hommi! Hmmmmm.... Er Zoidberg á leið út úr skápnum?

Zoidberg hefur talað.

1:28 PM  

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